Becoming the first choice educator and concierge to those who aspire to be the world’s most capable aviators.

Aero City Group had its beginnings in 2003 when Seosamh Somers founded Angel City Flyers in Long Beach, California. Seosamh* wanted to elevate general aviation flight training to a standard normally reserved for commercial operations. This vision further expanded into having the best training and rental fleet available and in 2005 Angel City Flyers started with a G1000 equipped DA40 and in 2006 we added our first DA42. Today Angel City Flyers and its San Francisco office, Bay City Flyers, operate an all G1000 fleet of 16 aircraft from DA40 up to the DA62.
During the growth of Angel City Flyers we felt that the same attention to detail and customer service that we applied to aircraft training and rental was missing in the maintenance of smaller owner flown aircraft. Seeing this opportunity we started our maintenance organization in 2008 focusing exclusively on the aircraft we fly. This allowed us insights which flowed both ways, from the maintenance company to the flight training division and vice versa. Today our maintenance company services and maintains aircraft from the DA40 up to the most capable owner flown jets.

The experience we gained dealing with customers after they had purchased their aircraft illustrated that the sales and brokerage industry was in need of improvement. In 2015 we became the Diamond Authorized Sales Agent for California and the Southwest and since then we have helped transact dozens of aircraft acquisitions for our clients. Our combined experience in operating, flying and maintaining Diamond Aircraft gives a unique perspective from which to serve our customers.
As the proficiency and horizons of our clients increased we saw that many pilots were aspiring to transition into single pilot light jets. Once again, populating an area that had no perfect solution to transitioning pilots. The defacto choice was training in your own aircraft or attending inflexible simulator based schools. We chose to provide a jet training environment which combined simulator and in-aircraft training while tailoring the syllabus and scheduling to meet the client’s lifestyle and proficiency. We now operate six Citations with G1000 and G3000 avionics and two Citation Mustang simulators with training and rental bases in both Los Angeles and San Francisco.
Through our evolution we realized that this business is about people, striving to have the best people in our organization and making our customers the best piloting people they can be, hence we believe in ‘developing aviation through people and people through aviation’.
* Seosamh is an Irish (Gaelic) name in case you were wondering (pronounced << show-sef >>)
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